Secure video diaries supporting family engagement in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

  • Enhance the family experience with positive videos, photos and messages to keep forever
  • Empower patient families and improve outcomes with educational resources accessible to all
  • Reduce cost and improve equity of access with multi-language messaging across all devices


Secure video diaries supporting family engagement in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

  • Enhance the family experience with positive videos, photos and messages to keep forever

  • Empower patient families and improve outcomes with educational resources accessible to all

  • Reduce cost and improve equity of access with multi-language messaging across all devices

Trusted by over 130 neonatal units around the world

  • GGC
  • Carle Health
  • Mount Sinai
  • Kinderspital
  • CHI
  • Evelina
  • CHAS
  • RHC Melbourne
  • St Boniface
  • UHC Wales
  • CUH
  • Portiuncula
  • NHS Lothian
  • Norfolk & Norwich
  • Grange University Hospital
  • Kingston
  • NHS Highland
  • Southampton
  • Newcastle

How it works
Families register for a secure account and provide consent to receive reassuring updates about their baby.

Once activated, clinical staff record videos and take photos of baby, assigning them to the correct account by scanning a QR code on the cot.

When a new update is available, an email or SMS is sent to the family inviting them to securely log in and view the videos, photos and messages.

Available in multiple languages, on any device and at any time, a NICU diary starts to form, full of positive and reassuring updates.

Families can share updates with relatives and friends, plus a central library feature helps unit teams create and distribute useful educational content.

When it's finally time to go home, videos, photos and messages can be downloaded to keep forever.

Find out more

Benefits for everyone

Support Family-Integrated Care

  • Help provide reassurance when parents can't be on the unit

  • Involve siblings, grandparents and extended family members with updates

  • Share educational videos from the unit with families


Improve family well-being

  • Improve breastmilk expression at home, as reported by the British Medical Journal

  • Capture and share visual updates of milestones and moments that may otherwise have been missed

  • Parents can download their videos, photos and messages to keep forever


Digitise communication with parents

  • Multi-language feature auto-translates messages to and from families

  • Parents can access the service on any device at any time

  • Create customisable forms, including Parent Passports


Designed for busy teams

  • Videos and photos are taken without impacting clinical duties

  • Less intrusive than live-streaming options

  • Simple, intuitive and quick to use


Case Studies

Video diaries service in the Trevor Mann Baby Unit in Brighton, UK helps keep families connected with their babies in the neonatal unit.
Video diaries service in the Trevor Mann Baby Unit, Brighton, UK helps keep families connected with their babies in the neonatal unit.

Case Study: UK


Carle Foundation Hospital in Urbana, USA implements video diaries service to support family engagement in the NICU.
Carle Foundation Hospital in Urbana, USA implements video diaries service to support family engagement in the NICU.

Case Study: USA


St Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg, Canada choose the vCreate NICU Diaries service to keep families connected with their babies.
St Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg, Canada choose the vCreate NICU Diaries service to keep families connected with their babies.

Case Study: Canada


Neonatal Therapy and Follow-up

Our Neonatal Therapy and Follow-up feature supports Neonatal Therapists with rapid precision diagnostics and management.

Physiotherapy, OT, Dietetic, Psychology and Speech and Language clinicians record and upload treatment sessions to vCreate, along with contextual data. These videos are then made available to the families, accessible in multiple languages, and integrated into the EHR (Electronic Health Record).

Parents and caregivers can also securely share smartphone-recorded videos and patient data for review to screen for early signs of adverse developmental outcomes.​​


   vCreate allows our team to be infinitely more flexible and provide further touchpoints with parents during their child’s crucial developmental stages. With this new asynchronous video pathway, we can ensure more of our high-risk patients are regularly monitored.   

Suzanne Offer, Paediatric Physiotherapist, NHS Highland, UK

NHS Highland

vCreate Forms

vCreate Forms

Our vCreate Forms feature allows clinical users to digitise paper forms and share reminders with patients, families and staff.

From patient experience surveys to discharge checklists, all forms are completely customisable and neonatal networks can standardise templates for the region, ensuring consistency of care.

Learn more about vCreate Forms

Watch us on

BBC Breakfast


What clinicians are saying
The Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
     Many parents are not able to be with their baby in the Neonatal Unit all day; video updates are a brilliant way of providing reassurance to mums and dads during a stressful time because they can actually see their baby and ask questions.     

Dr Neil Patel, Consultant Neonatologist. The Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow, UK
Kingston Health Sciences, Ontario, Canada
     The technology fits our family-integrated model perfectly because it helps parents stay actively involved with their newborn and the care team. Parents have asked for this kind of support for some time now and we're pleased that we can now make it easily available to them.     

Alyssa Haight, Clinical Learning Specialist, NICU. Kingston Health Sciences, Ontario, Canada
The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
     We love vCreate here. It is extremely simple to use for both families and staff. It is all web-based so nothing is kept on local devices. It is overwhelmingly well received. It is brilliant and, we think, far less intrusive than the 24 hour live streaming options that are available.     

Dr Ruth Armstrong, Consultant Neonatologist. The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
The Children's Heart Unit, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle, UK
     The vCreate Diaries service has completely changed the way we do things on the unit. It takes very little time to send a video or picture and, when we receive positive comments back from families, it’s so uplifting and motivating to know the difference they have made.     

Rebecca Jack, Staff Nurse. The Children's Heart Unit, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle, UK
Enhanced Security and Clinical Safety

Powered by Microsoft Azure with security features including Web Application Firewall, Advanced Threat Protection and Encryption-at-Rest
Powered by Microsoft Azure with security features including Web Application Firewall, Advanced Threat Protection and Encryption-at-Rest.


Compliant with HIPAA / DTAC inc. DCB 0129 (Clinical Safety Management), Cyber Essentials certified and registered with the UK ICO
Compliant with HIPAA / DTAC inc. DCB 0129 (Clinical Safety Management), Cyber Essentials certified and registered with the UK ICO.


Approved by more than 150 Healthcare Organisations around the world with regular CREST-certified Penetration Testing
Approved by more than 150 Healthcare Organisations around the world with regular CREST-certified Penetration Testing.

