Ameliya is the super sister receiving our award this week!

03 August 2023

Ameliya is the super sister receiving our award this week!

Samantha has nominated her brilliant daughter, Ameliya, for our Best Buddy Sibling Award!

Ameliya has been so brave while her brother, Eddie, is being cared for in the neonatal unit. Her Mum has nominated her for our award to let her know how proud of her she is!

"Our daughter, Ameliya, deserves this award because she was amazing whilst I was in hospital.

Now, her brother, Eddie, is here and she has been getting involved in his care as much as possible.

From singing, reading him stories, making him cards and pictures, helping to feed and change him.

She has been so patient and loving despite the chaos and change of the last few weeks."

Well done, Ameliya!

Your brother is so lucky to have a big sister that is so sweet and caring.

Your certificate and goodies are on the way to you.

Do you know a super sibling?

If you know a brother or sister that has been very brave whilst their sibling has spent time in hospital, send us an email with their name, a photo, and why they are so amazing!