Ava is the super sibling receiving our Best Buddy Sibling Award this week!

21 July 2021

Ava is the super sibling receiving our Best Buddy Sibling Award this week!

Stephanie has nominated her brave little girl for our award because she is such a wonderful sister to her brother, Oli.

Oli spent time in the neonatal unit at Ninewells Hospital and Ava had to spend a long period of time away from him.

"During the time that Oli spent on the neonatal unit, Ava wasn't even at home with us. She had to stay at her Nana's because I had COVID.

Since Oli has come home, Ava has been the biggest helper! Her Dad is away with work a lot so she helps out with her brother.

Ava loved receiving the vCreate updates from the unit.

Her favourite was a video with 'twinkle twinkle little star' music playing over the top. She would sing along and say that she was singing the song to Oli."

You are such a superstar, Ava! Your Mummy is so lucky to have such a brilliant little helper to take care of your brother.

Your certificate and goodies are in the post for you.

Well done to the superb team at Ninewells hospital, too!

Do you know a Super Sibling?

If you would like to nominate a sibling that has been very brave whilst their brother or sister has been in hospital, email us and we will give them a well-deserved shout-out on our social pages.