Caitlin from Ninewells Hospital is crowned NICU Superhero!

06 October 2023

Caitlin from Ninewells Hospital is crowned NICU Superhero!

Susan has nominated Caitlin from Ninewells Hospital for our award because she was wonderful when Susan's daughter, Grace, was born almost 10 weeks early.

"My daughter, Grace, spent 5 weeks in the NICU with the team all doing an amazing job looking after her.

However, we wanted to give a special shout-out to Caitlin because she was a great support to us.

Caitlin went above and beyond in her care and was so helpful.

She gave us some great tips and advice on how we could best support Grace.

Nothing was too much hassle and she always had a smile on her face.

In our eyes, she's a credit to the NICU.

We can't thank Caitlin enough."

Congratulations, Caitlin!

The support and advice you give to families like Susan's really means the world to them.

Would you like to nominate a NICU Superhero?
Our NICU Superhero Award is very popular so we only open up nominations for a short time. For updates on when we will be opening them up again, keep an eye on our Instagram page.