Caroline has nominated her son, Maxwell, for our Best Buddy Sibling Award

04 October 2023

Caroline has nominated her son, Maxwell, for our Best Buddy Sibling Award

Caroline has nominated her extremely brave son, Maxwell (7), for our Best Buddy Sibling Award.

"Maxwell (who was once a preemie himself) has been amazing with both his little sisters through our journey.

He has helped us look after Mila (who is age 3 and was born at 33 weeks) at home while I was in hospital.

He coached her through coming into the unit and washing her hands etc.

He's also taken it upon himself to know everything about his new sister, Mareva, who was born at 32 weeks gestation.

Maxwell loves reading to her, holding her hand, helping with her cares and is the most incredible big brother.

All of my children were cared for by the team at the Simpsons Neonatal Unit in Edinburgh and I can't thank them enough."

Well done, Maxwell! Your certificate and goodies are on the way to you.

Do you know a super sibling?
If you know a brother or sister that has been very brave whilst their sibling has spent time in hospital, send us an email with their name, a photo, and why they are so amazing!