Chloe from Ninewells Hospital is a NICU Superhero!
24 November 2023
Megan has nominated Chloe from Ninewells Hospital in Dundee for our NICU Superhero Award!
When Megan's twin girls, Amelie and Isabella, were born at 33 weeks gestation, they had a 3 week neonatal stay.
During this time, Megan was blown away by Chloe's care.
"All the staff were amazing and we couldn't have asked for more!
We wanted to say a special thank you to Chloe who was so reassuring and supportive every step of the way.
You could tell she really knew all the babies in her care. It was more than a job to her.
Chloe also cared for us as parents. Even when she was caring for other babies on the unit, she would always come and ask how we were.
She was a friendly face.
We're so happy to be home with our babies but we will miss Chloe's smiling face! She really made the NICU stay much easier on us all. She's one in a million!"
Congratulations, Chloe!
The way you make parents feel supported and reassured means the world to them.
Would you like to nominate a NICU Superhero?
Our NICU Superhero Award is very popular so we only open up nominations for a short time. For updates on when we will be opening them up again, keep an eye on our Instagram page.