Congratulations to Chris from the Walnut Ward at Darent Valley
29 November 2019

Today’s nomination for our NICU Superhero Award comes from Hannah Vice. Her little boy Montgomery was born at 39 weeks gestation, suffering with Respiratory Distress Syndrome, which meant he needed some specialist care to help with his breathing before he was able to go home.
He spent one week in the Special Care Baby Unit (the Walnut Ward) at Darent Valley Hospital, being cared for by the neonatal team. Monty’s mum Hannah wanted to say an extra special thank you to one of the nurses on the unit:
"I would love to nominate Sister Chris Cooper at Darent Valley Hospital. She was the calm in the storm that we needed when our beautiful boy Montgomery was born and suffering with breathing difficulties.
She calmly explained (and explained again) everything that was happening when we couldn’t take it all in. She is our superhero and we would love everyone to know it! All of the staff there were great, but Chris really stood out and it will be great to see her get the pat on the back she surely deserves."
Thank you to Hannah and congratulations to Chris! Monty looks like he's doing really well these days following his rocky start and Hannah has shared some photos of him which you can see on our Facebook page.
Calling all neonatal units, let parents know about the award
We have designed a poster which you can print off and display so that more parents can learn about our search to unmask those NICU Superheroes out there. You can find the poster here.