Do you know a PICU Superstar? Nominate them for our award!

18 May 2020

Do you know a PICU Superstar? Nominate them for our award!

Following the success of our NICU Superhero Award (which celebrates the work of those caring for poorly and premature babies in neonatal units), the time has come to recognise the equally outstanding work of those in our Paediatric Intensive Care Units. Today we launch our PICU Superstars Award to thank those who take such wonderful care of our poorliest children (and their parents) in intensive care units across the UK.

Would you like to say an extra special thank you to a member of the PICU team that has cared for, or is caring for your child? Each family can nominate one member of staff for the award and we will share your nomination right here and on our social media pages. As we like to make a big fuss of our healthcare heroes, they will also receive a PICU Superstars rosette and certificate to serve as a reminder of their supreme awesomeness!

To nominate your Superstar, email us at with the following information and we'll take it from there:

1. The name of your PICU Superstar.
2. The hospital they work in.
3. Why you are nominating them.

Units can let families know about our PICU Superstars Award by printing and displaying this poster.

A little note regarding our NICU Superhero Award

We are taking a little break before we accept any further nominations for our NICU Superhero Award and will update you as soon as we are able to begin accepting them again. Until then, we will continue to share parent nominations that have already been submitted, each Friday afternoon on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.