Emily from The Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow is Elle's NICU Superhero!

20 October 2023

Emily from The Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow is Elle's NICU Superhero!

Emily from The Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow is a NICU Superhero!

Elle has nominated Emily for our award because she took such great care of Elle's son during his 10 week NICU stay.

"Even though my emotions were running high when my son went to the NICU, Emily made me feel welcome.

I felt comfortable around Emily.

I could see she was very passionate about her role as a NICU nurse.

Almost every day we would cry leaving our son. However, on nights and days where Emily was looking after him, we knew she would look after him as her own.

I honestly feel like I wouldn't have got through it without the help and support of Emily.

She's a true credit to the NHS and I feel like she should be recognised for her ongoing support and care to babies and families."

Congratulations, Emily!

The way you make parents feel welcome and reassured makes such a difference during their time on the neonatal unit.

Would you like to nominate a NICU Superhero?
Our NICU Superhero Award is very popular so we only open up nominations for a short time. For updates on when we will be opening them up again, keep an eye on our Instagram page.