Fiona from Simpsons Neonatal Unit in Edinburgh has nominated Ali for our award!

13 September 2023

Fiona from Simpsons Neonatal Unit in Edinburgh has nominated Ali for our award!

Fiona from Simpsons Neonatal Unit in Edinburgh has been in touch to nominate brilliant big brother, Ali, for our Best Buddy Sibling Award.

Fiona's been so impressed with how brave Ali has been when visiting his little sister, Jumanah.

"Ali comes in most days to see his sister in the neonatal unit.

He's been an amazing big brother by helping with her feeds, nappies and giving her lots of hand hugs.

Ali is always super excited to tell me what he's been doing each day."

Well done, Ali!

Your sister is so lucky to have such a kind and caring big brother.

Your certificate and goodies are on the way to you.

Do you know a super sibling?
If you know a brother or sister that has been very brave whilst their sibling has spent time in hospital, send us an email with their name, a photo, and why they are so amazing!