Georgina from Sunderland Royal Hospital is a NICU Superhero!

18 November 2022

Georgina from Sunderland Royal Hospital is a NICU Superhero!

Leah has nominated Georgina from Royal Sunderland Hospital for our NICU Superhero Award because she was a great support during her daughter, Sadie's, neonatal stay.

"When my baby girl, Sadie, was born in May 2022 at 28 weeks, Georgina started her role in the neonatal unit the following week.

Georgina became such a confident NICU nurse during this time.

We watched our little girl grow and the nurse that was caring for her.

It was as if she had always been a neonatal nurse!"

Congratulations, Georgina!

The care you provided Leah and her family was such an important part of their neonatal journey.

Would you like to nominate your NICU Superhero?
Our nomination process means that we will be accepting a small number of nominations on a regular basis. Please keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook stories as we will post updates about when we are next accepting nominations.