Jenny from the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle is a NICU Superhero!

22 December 2023

Jenny from the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle is a NICU Superhero!

Jenny from the Royal Victoria Infirmary has been nominated for our NICU Superhero Award by Alexandra.

When Alexandra's daughter, Zoe, spent time in the neonatal unit, she was so grateful for the wonderful care Jenny provided.

"We would like to nominate one of little Zoe's neonatal nurses, Jenny!

Zoe was born at the RVI at 26 weeks + 2 days gestation and is now thriving due to the loving care she received.

Jen saw us through the worst of times and was there to laugh and celebrate Zoe's wins, including the biggest one yet: coming home after 140 days in hospital!

We were treated with incredible kindness, empathy, and respect, and we are very lucky to have a beautiful, lively, smiling baby to take home."

Congratulations, Jenny!

Your kind and caring nature makes a huge difference to families during difficult times.

Would you like to nominate a NICU Superhero?
Our NICU Superhero Award is very popular so we only open up nominations for a short time. For updates on when we will be opening them up again, keep an eye on our Instagram page.