Keeley's NICU Superhero is Jessica from Addenbrooke's Hospital!

11 August 2023

Keeley's NICU Superhero is Jessica from Addenbrooke's Hospital!

Keeley has nominated Jessica from Addenbrooke's Hospital for our NICU Superhero Award!

Keeley's son, Avi, was born at 23 weeks and 3 days gestation. Sadly, his twin brother passed away the day after birth. During this incredibly difficult time, Jessica was a huge support.

"As we had the loss of Avi's brother on our mind, it was really hard to stay positive and optimistic during Avi's NICU stay.

However, Jess did that for us.

She gave us words of positivity daily and encouraged my first hold of him when I was terrified.

Jess advocated for our son when we didn't know what was best.

She's an angel and we couldn't have got through our 4 month stay without her."

Congratulations, Jessica!

The way you advocate for your tiny patients and make their parents feel at ease makes a challenging time that bit easier.

Would you like to nominate a NICU Superhero?

If you would like to say an extra special thank you to a member of a neonatal team, nominate them for our NICU Superhero Award! Send us an email with their name, the hospital they work in and why you would like to nominate them.