Kylie's NICU Superhero is Carol from Darlington Memorial Hospital!

08 September 2023

Kylie's NICU Superhero is Carol from Darlington Memorial Hospital!

Kylie has nominated Carol from Darlington Memorial Hospital for our NICU Superhero Award!

Kylie's son, Robin, was born at 31 weeks gestation, and was Kylie's second child born at 31 weeks. Kylie's daughter, Poppy, was cared for by the same team not long before.

"Robin was 3lb 14oz when he was born and needed CPAP for a few days. As he got stronger, Carol helped me to breastfeed him for the first time and he did so well!

Carol's always so happy and checks in to see if we need anything.

She's just lovely and helps everyone out by being full of information and friendly advice.

Carol always goes above and beyond to help the babies and parents in her care.

She also makes a great cup of tea and toast!"

Congratulations, Carol!

The parents of the babies you care for are so grateful for the way you go above and beyond.

Would you like to nominate a NICU Superhero?
If you would like to say an extra special thank you to a member of a neonatal team, nominate them for our NICU Superhero Award! Send us an email with their name, the hospital they work in and why you would like to nominate them.