Lesley from Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow is a NICU Superhero!

29 October 2021

Lesley from Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow is a NICU Superhero!

The wonderful Lesley from Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow has been nominated for our award by Mum of twins, Julie.

Julie was so grateful for Lesley's guidance and support during her two boys, Oscar and Albie's, neonatal stay. Oscar and Albie were born almost 8 weeks early, weighing 3.7lbs and 4.1lbs.

"I didn't see my twin boys for 11 days after their birth. The first time I saw them, Lesley helped me with kangaroo care, where she placed one of the boys on my chest. It was an emotional moment that I will never forget.

Our journey was full of ups and downs but Lesley was there for support and to listen when I needed it.

I cannot thank her and the rest of the team enough for everything!"

Congratulations, Lesley. Supporting and guiding parents through these emotional times is so important. You are a true superhero!

Nominate a NICU Superhero

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more information on when our nominations will be opening up again!