Natalie from William Harvey Hospital is crowned NICU Superhero for the second time!

22 July 2022

Natalie from William Harvey Hospital is crowned NICU Superhero for the second time!

Veronika has nominated the wonderful Natalie from William Harvey Hospital for our NICU Superhero Award!

Veronika wanted to nominate Natalie for our award because she was so supportive when Veronika couldn't be with her baby for 7 days.

"I gave birth to Matteo at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Margate at 35 weeks gestation.

My son was then moved to William Harvey Hospital as there was no space at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. I couldn't go with him because I had to isolate myself for 7 days.

Whenever I contacted William Harvey Hospital, they were always so kind.

Eventually, after 7 days, I got to go and see my baby.

Natalie was looking after Matteo and she was so nice and kind.

She gave him lots of cuddles and made sure he was OK. Natalie also made sure I was ok during this difficult time.

Natalie is the best nurse ever!"

Congratulations, Natalie!

The fact that parents have nominated you twice for this award just shows how much your care for both babies and parents makes a huge difference.

Would you like to nominate your NICU Superhero?
Our nomination process means that we will be accepting a small number of nominations on a regular basis. Please keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook stories as we will post updates about when we are next accepting nominations.