Ninewells Hopsital's Deryn is a NICU Superhero!

25 August 2023

Ninewells Hopsital's Deryn is a NICU Superhero!

Olivia has nominated Deryn from Ninewells Hospital for our NICU Superhero Award!

Deryn cared for Olivia's son, Carlo, who was born in 2021 and sadly passed away. She also cared for Olivia's son, Axel, in 2022. Olivia wanted to say thank you to Deryn for being such a huge support during these difficult times.

"Deryn knew how devastated we were to go back to the NICU after having a loss. It was really difficult to deal with.

Deryn and the whole team were absolutely outstanding.

She explained everything thoroughly and made sure my whole family were ok during Axel's neonatal stay.

The vCreate messages were the most amazing thing to wake up to late at night or in the morning. It really helped to settle me!"

Congratulations, Deryn!

The way you go the extra mile for families doesn't go unnoticed.

Would you like to nominate a NICU Superhero?
If you would like to say an extra special thank you to a member of a neonatal team, nominate them for our NICU Superhero Award! Send us an email with their name, the hospital they work in and why you would like to nominate them.