We are celebrating Super Siblings with our new Best Buddy Award!

31 October 2020

We are celebrating Super Siblings with our new Best Buddy Award!

We are excited to tell you about our new Best Buddy Sibling Award! We want to celebrate all those small people who have been incredibly brave whilst their brother or sister was being cared for in the neonatal or paediatric unit.

The idea for our new sibling award was suggested to us by a parent and we thought it was a fantastic idea. We will be revealing the name of this parent next week when we share her nomination, the very first one!

Would you like to nominate your child for our sibling award?
If you know a special brother or sister that you would like to nominate for our Best Buddy Sibling Award, you can nominate them here. Just answer a few questions and we'll take it from there. All nominated Best Buddys will receive a special shout out on our social pages and receive a certificate. Hooray for super siblings!