World Book Day is here and so is 5-year-old Alina's illustrated audiobook!

04 March 2021

World Book Day is here and so is 5-year-old Alina's illustrated audiobook!

To celebrate this World Book Day 2021, we have turned 5-year-old Alina’s story about her neonatal journey with her younger sister into an illustrated audiobook!

This thoughtful, poignant and beautifully illustrated story captures the world of neonatal care through a child’s eyes.

Alina, a 5-year-old girl from London, wrote the book to help families of premature and sick babies. She bravely expresses and explores her own feelings and experiences in order to reassure siblings going through similar experiences that they are not alone.

All profit from the book goes towards the Early Birth Association, the charity that helped support Alina's family while her sister was in neonatal care in Brighton.

Brett Books, the publishers, have generously donated copies to hospitals across the UK, including those that the family spent time on such as Barts, King's and Evelina to share with families in their neonatal units.

Now available as a video, you can enjoy Alina’s story and watch her illustrations come to life with your little ones. The resource can be accessed on the Parent’s Section of the vCreate platform.

Heidi Crawford, co-chair of The Early Birth Association, said: “We have been absolutely inspired by Alina’s story. She has beautifully and honestly captured her experience and we are sure it will be a great comfort to very many other children with brothers and sisters in neonatal care.

We cannot thank Alina and her family enough for dedicating the proceeds of this book to The EBA, which will assist our goal in continuing to provide support to babies and their families and funding to the neonatal units that care for them.”

Available for £5.99, the paperback book can be purchased from the Brett Books website.