Beth's NICU Superhero is Annette from Princess Anne, Southampton
02 October 2020

Annette Lewis from Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton, is pictured above with one of her former patients, baby Hartley.
Today's NICU Superhero nomination comes from Arlo's mum, Beth Mitchell. Baby Arlo was born prematurely at 32 weeks and 3 days gestation. Born on the Isle of Wight, Arlo was immediately transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton and it was there that Beth met her NICU Superhero. She told us:
"I'd like to nominate Annette Lewis because she was there from the beginning. She was just amazing with Arlo and she made a very scary experience feel less scary. She was absolutely amazing looking after my little boy when he was at his poorliest and I can't thank her enough!
Arlo was in the NICU for 46 days altogether and I was finally able to hold him for the first time after 12 days. He had his first brain surgery when he was just 1 month old and he is now 17 months old and the happiest little boy ever!
He has been through a lot but is doing amazing now and I'm so grateful to Annette for her help and support."
Congratulations to Annette! To see how happy chappy Arlo is getting on these days, take a look at his handsome face in these precious photos that Beth has shared with us. What a little star! Thank you for sharing them with us.
Nominate your NICU Superhero
We know that parents have been waiting ever so patiently for us to begin accepting nominations for our NICU Superhero Award, there are just so many incredible neonatal doctors and nurses out there! Well the wait is very nearly over, on Monday we will begin accepting nominations once again, but there's a bit of a process in place now to cope with the demand. If you would like to nominate your NICU Superhero, please read all about our award here.