Little Noah's NICU Superhero is Laura from PRM in Glasgow
29 May 2020
Baby Noah was born prematurely at 30 weeks and 6 days gestation and spent the first 8 weeks of his life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Throughout this period, he received specialist care in two different hospitals and it was during his time at the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital in Glasgow, that his mum and dad met Laura. Ross and Charlotte have chosen to nominate Laura for our NICU Superhero Award and Ross got in touch to share their words of thanks:
"I would like to nominate Laura McGowan from the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital. Laura always found herself in the position of being the bearer of bad news when it came to our little miracle Noah. Laura's professional approach and unbelievable level of care for both Noah and his parents was second to none.
There is no doubting that without Laura's help and support for us all, we wouldn't be in the position we are currently in. She would be a well deserved recipient of the NICU Superhero recognition.
All the staff within the unit were incredible, but Laura, Katarina and Margaret always went above and beyond."
Noah is now home and doing, "incredibly well" and you can see for yourself by taking a look at these special photos of his neonatal journey. Ross, thank you for sharing them with us ... and well done Laura for being such a star!
A little note to parents
We are currently taking a little break before we accept any further nominations for our NICU Superhero Award and will update you as soon as we are able to accept them again. We are however now accepting nominations for our new PICU Superstars Award, launched to help celebrate the equally exceptional work of those caring for poorly children in our Paediatric Intensive Care Units. Read more about the award here.