Little Preemie Fighter, Yasna, is home!
12 July 2018

To all the parents visiting the neonatal unit today, we hope this news lifts your spirits.
Preemie Mum, Asma recently nominated her NICU Superhero, Nicola Gemmell and shared her neonatal journey with us. Well we were delighted when Asma got in touch to let us know the very happy news that baby Yasna is now home with her family, after 169 days of care from the ever wonderful Neonatal Team at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow.
Asma wanted to share some words of thanks for the team who cared for her twins, Inara and Yasna.
“169 days, 24.14 weeks, 4,056 hours and 243,360 minutes. This is how much time it took for us to bring our surviving twin, our fighter, Yasna home.
We wouldn’t have been able to pass this journey without the help of every single Consultant, Dr, Sister In-charge, Nurse, Housing Staff and Student Nurse who took care of Yasna at the Neonatal Unit at RHC.
A special shout out to the vCreate team because we were able to see our princess when we were not able to go to the hospital.
A huge thank you to our family and friends for being there with us every step of the way.
And, last but not least, a huge round of applause for our toddler, Orhan, who has been the most patient and supportive baby during this chaotic time.
We miss Inara, but strongly believe that Allah has the best reward for us.”
Thank you for sharing this happy news Asma, we are extremely happy to hear that Yasna is now at home where she belongs.