Natalie from the Walnut Ward is Emma's NICU Superhero

05 April 2019

Natalie from the Walnut Ward is Emma's NICU Superhero

Following the success of our year long campaign to celebrate the work of those wonderful people caring for premature and poorly babies in neonatal units, we are thrilled to enter a second year of our NICU Superhero award! The award allows parents to share their story, and their thanks for those members of the neonatal team who cared for their baby.

Last month, one year after we first launched the campaign, and after receiving an incredible 31 nominations for members of neonatal staff across the UK, we selected one NICU Superhero of the Year, Emma Cross from the Neonatal Unit at King’s Mill Hospital. Today as we launch our campaign for a second year, we share Emma Dixon’s nomination.

Emma's Story

Just two weeks ago, Emma’s twins William and Samuel, entered the world much earlier than expected at 32 weeks gestation. Emma and her husband live in Oxfordshire and had spent the day visiting Chatham Docks in Kent, when they returned to their hotel at the end of the day, Emma’s waters broke. Born prematurely and so far from home, Will and Sam were cared for by the team on the Walnut Ward, which is the Special Care Baby Unit at Darent Valley Hospital. It was here that Emma came to meet her NICU Superhero, Natalie Cole, Emma told us:

"I would like to nominate Natalie Cole on the Walnut Ward for your NICU Superhero award. The reason for my nomination is because both my boys were in the ward, and although all the doctors and nurses have been brilliant, we feel Natalie has gone above and beyond being a nurse.

I felt extremely lonely in the first few days as we have no family or friends nearby, but instantly connected with Natalie and have found my 6 nights stay so much easier when she is on shift. She has encouraged me with breastfeeding on many occasions, as well as listened to me moan about my situation of being so far away from home! On all occasions she has never lost her enthusiasm or her smile.

She has been brilliant at building mine and my husband's confidence with the boys, she is full of useful little tips and advice! Both my husband and I have laughed and shared our thoughts and concerns with her and feel she is a true diamond.

We will be eternally be grateful to Natalie and everyone on the Walnut Ward, and will remember Natalie's tips and advice for our new adventures at our local hospital. As a nice gesture I feel your award is well deserved for Natalie as we feel she really is a modern day Superhero!"

Thank you for sharing your story Emma, we hope Sam and Will are doing well. And congratulations to Natalie, your Superhero rosette and certificate are on their way to you this very moment!

Nominate Your NICU Superhero

Would you like to give a special shout out to your NICU Superhero? Drop us an email, or send us a direct message via our Facebook or Twitter pages. All those nominated will receive a special NICU Superhero rosette and certificate!