September is Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Month

01 September 2018

September is Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Month

September is when people from around the world come together to show their support for families with babies in the neonatal unit, September is Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Month.

The initiative was first launched back in 2014 by Project Sweet Peas, a non-profit organisation who provide support to families of premature and sick babies. The aim is to honour families experiencing a stay in the neonatal intensive care unit, and those in the medical profession who care for them. You can follow the month-long campaign on social media by using the hashtag #NICUAwarenessMonth.

Here are some suggested ways you can get involved and show your support, and don't forget to check out this free toolkit provided by Project Sweet Peas:

1. Take a #SeptemberSelfie of you and your baby using #NICUAwarenessMonth.

2. Change your profile picture on Facebook using one of these special profile graphics.

3. We are always keen to share parent stories to give hope to other NICU mums and dads, so drop us an email or share it directly on your social pages using #NICUAwarenessMonth.

4. Say thank you to the nursing team that cared for your baby. You may have seen our NICU Superhero award, this is a great way to say an extra special thank you.

For more information about Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Month and how you can get involved, head to, or alternatively, drop us an email.