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Secure Video Messaging technology to help hospitals train clinical staff more quickly with less cost

Secure Video Messaging technology to help hospitals train clinical staff more quickly with less cost

vCreate is an NHS Trusted Secure Video Messaging service that enables the simple recording and sharing of staff training by video, saving time and cost.

Many units find training staff members a real challenge with shifts and clinical duties making it difficult to gather everyone in the same room at the same time. As a result, training staff on new equipment, for example, is often repeated many times over. With vCreate, educators can now record their presentations on any device and securely share them with all their colleagues.

Staff can also watch videos as many times as they like, even whilst performing tasks for the first time, reducing errors and the need for further training.

What's more, vCreate keeps a digital record of who has watched which videos and when, reducing the need for paper based signatures.

Request a no-obligation demo to find out more.

Winners of the Health Tech News Overall "Winner of the Year" award

Shortlisted for PEN ​National ​"Communicating Effectively with Patient and Families" award - Plymouth NICU

Winner of the UK NTA "Healthcare Technology of the Year" award

Create the training videos quickly and easily using any device with a camera

Avoid repetition and train staff at the best time without impacting on their clinical duties

The training videos are repeatedly accessible on any device, day or night

Request a Demo

NHS Trusted Application

Staff Training

" Using vCreate to securely share training videos with colleagues is a simple but effective way to reinforce training. It is a great resource as it gives our staff a future point of reference to refresh their knowledge at any time. It's so simple to use and has made a hugely positive difference. "

Cate Nicholl - Neonatal Nurse Educator, The Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow

We make it really easy with 3 simple price plans

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